Wednesday, April 20, 2005

written out

Instead of diligently writing my paper, I was going through my documents and reading over the million livejournal entries I started but never finished. As always, there’s so much to write about, but maybe I should stop writing for a bit, to stop that noise for awhile so that I can hear better and listen more.

I remember reading an entry in Hussain's blog about how he just wanted to know who read his entries and he asked his readers to leave a comment letting him know that they were out there. Who reads this? Besides Victo, Sarah, Aud and my blockmates, and a few of my livejournal friends? Probably no one. But still, I think about all the journals I read where I don't leave comments (and how, Richard, you never leave me comments!), and how I think about those people’s lives and how what anyone writes means something, just by the nature of being written for personal record or for the public eye.

From someone else's journal:
"If there’s something you've always wanted to tell me but you've never had the courage...leave an anonymous comment with what you've always wanted to tell me."

Nice and safe comments don't count, especially if you're my friend.

Even if it's anonymous, it's nice to sense your presence.