Sunday, June 13, 2004

life soundtrack

Kim: Joni Mitchell

1. are you male or female: woman of heart and mind
is it all books and words/or do you really feel it

2. describe yourself: blue
blue, here is a shell for you/inside you’ll hear a sigh/a foggy lullaby

3. how do some people feel about you: fiction
elusive dreams and vague desires

4. how do you feel about yourself: straw-flower me
could you love a blue straw-flower/with no mystic magic power

5. describe what you want to be: cold blue steel and sweet fire
sparks fly up from sweet fire

6. describe how you live: both sides now
moons and junes and ferris wheels/the dizzy dancing way you feel/as every fairy tale comes real

7. describe how you love: a case of you
you taste so bitter and you taste so sweet/i could drink a case of you/still i'd be on my feet

8. share a few words of wisdom: talk to me
any old theme you choose/just come and talk to me/you could talk like a fool--i'd listen

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