Sunday, December 12, 2004

adams winter formal

In getting ready for the formal, I concluded that I indeed have never learned to be a girl. How does mascara really work? Why are there different powders for blush and eyeshadow when you're just putting color on some part of your face? Why do I not care about lipstick when there's food to be eaten? Why is there no dress that fits me exactly right and does not require some sort of adjusting? Why do 90% of the girls wear black to winter formals? Next year--bright yellow, once I find that perfect yellow dress. Why do I look just as ordinary made-up and dressed-up as in my Friday sweatshirt and jeans? Why wear heels when girls taller than me are also wearing heels? Why not just dance barefoot? It's a confusing system, and these are the important questions, evidently.

Anyway, it's still fun.

Song highlights: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Heaven on Earth, I Touch Myself, Total Eclipse of the Heart, (hint of the 80s anyone?), I Like That ("This song's for Melkis"), CRAZY IN LOVE (that was pretty damn crazy, I must say).

Pictures of crazy people I love. Sorry for the disarray, and the lack of elaboration. I'm sleepy. And for those of you who complain that I never post pictures of myself...too bad.

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