There are lots of reasons to support Nyaya Health, which administers primary care to a rural region in Nepal of a quarter million people that had no doctors or facilities, battling incredibly high rates of HIV, maternal mortality, and malnourishment. It’s committed to immediate care as well as long-term health models to care for those without. It’s not just helping out; it’s thinking about everything: management, infrastructure, microfinance, epidemiology.
But personally the reason I give you is that this person makes other people his life, not in addition to his own. Aud and I talk about how we all receive more than we give (not in a deliberate or selfish way, but in a human way). Sometimes people can be mostly givers, and that’s something worth supporting I think. He’d hate this reason for supporting Nyaya, but I think it’s a decent one.
You can read more about it here:

And you can donate here:

Money can seem trivial because it can be easy, but I can guarantee any amount will be more gift given than received.
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