Tuesday, June 9, 2015


It's interesting that after several years away from the East Coast, my memories of May are what it's like over there--the beginnings of warmth returning. I was a little shocked by our cold San Francisco May, but it was a good month nonetheless.

1. Blogging: I had a lot to record with regular updates on weekly visits to the San Quentin prison. After those very full days that left us sapped of energy, emotional and physical, I was glad that I had a pre-formed space to dump some thoughts. This is something I'd like to return to with more nuance and filling later, so I'm very grateful to be able to put down a few of the details.

2. Recipes: My favorite recipe of May was an Indian fish dish that I was introduced to while I was in Uganda, and remains one of my top ten all time favorite dishes/meals. I tried at various times to replicate it, but there aren't many recipes for it and it calls for mint which I rarely have on hand and is a little pricey at stores to purchase for experimentation. But now that I go to the farmer's market most weeks, there is plenty of fresh, cheap mint, and cilantro, and I was inspired to try it again after finding this recipe: http://www.chillimix.com/indian-recipe/fish-and-sea-food/baked-fish-with-fresh-mint-and-coriander.html. It was very good, though I still haven't attained the divineness of what I tried in Uganda. It's hard to tell whether it's actual taste, or novelty, that I'm missing. Either way, I still loved the fresh mint and cilantro in this. I'm sure I tried other actual recipes to make my two new recipes a month resolution, but am forgetting at the moment, so will note that we also added the mint to our smoothies, making them newly refreshed (redundant? but seems appropriate).

3. Albums: In the vein of getting back into what used to be a major passion for me, I got recommendations from a music-trusthworthy friend and remembered why music is so awesome after listening to Future Islands (Singles) and fka twigs (lp 1), which had entirely different feels and equally unique. Also listened to Sufjan Steven's latest, Carie & Lowell, which felt like the return of an old friend.

4. News: I made significant headway on this, and then halfway through the month I discovered audiobooks, and I became really obsessed (they deserve a separate post). I think I will always prioritize fiction, and I think I will always feel a little guilty about that, and so will continue to incorporate real life into my knowledge base, but also with the acceptance that this is how I'm built.

5. Exercise: After incorporating swimming into my birthday party, I managed to swim twice and remembered how good it feels. Biking is something I still haven't incorporated back into my routine yet, but have decided that instead of making biking and running (which has been hard on my knees lately) long ventures, that I'll make my initial resolution (of biking, swimming, running, climbing and yoga each once a week) possible by biking or running very briefly before climbing. I'm hoping to make strides with this as summer approaches and work recedes...

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