Saturday, April 16, 2011


My stomach's hurt all day, have spent most of the day in bed. As often when I have a physical ache or pain, I feel old. I'm getting older, of course. I'm almost 27, and this means a lot of things, like slowing metabolism and decrease in agility. I often feel I need to catch up on a lot that's physical (learning to bike, swim), and I also worry I won't be able to keep up at the things I feel semi-able to do. These worries will all come to fruition, of course. That's age.

A hip hop song on the radio made me consider, when will I no longer be able to dance? Not even just physically, but socially. Those older folk getting down, even as they must be having fun, aren't seen as belonging there. And maybe that shouldn't bother me, but of course part of the fun of dancing in a crowd is being a part of the crowd. Most girls love to dance, and I'm not exception to many things girly. I've loved to dance since we were taught in the sixth grade to dance the Macarena, and though we learned that dancing is just moving, some of the boys at our first dance would dance that choreographed move to every song whether it resembled the Macarena or not. I love the inherent desire to move, the work you build up, and the freedom. When will it no longer be okay, when will we no longer look like we're dancing, when will we be just, too old? It feels kind of, sadly, soon.

As M would say, good thing I still look seventeen! Or less.

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